The Holy Spirit can also use music for the glory of God and edification of people. We noted above the powerful the rape tic effect of that anointed music had on Saul. [1SAM 16:23]. David had been anointed by God .He was a skillful musician, a gifted composer and sweet singer. When he played and sang under the anointing of the spirit the evil spirit departed from Saul. He was refreshed, he was well.
When Jehoshephat needed a prophet in time of national crisis, he called for Elisha. The prophet called for a musician (2 kings, 3:11, 15, 16).
The music helped creation an atmosphere or mood for prophetic gift to operate. King David appointed 4000 men to prophecy with harps, six psalteries and cymbals, (1 CHR 25:1). It was only when Israel was in captivity in Babylon that they ceased to sing and play their anointed music ceased and they hung their harps on the willow trees (PS. 137). When their captivity ceased, after 70 years, they returned home with joyful singing and laughter these was praise on their lips (PS 126: 1, 2). It is only when the church is in spiritual captivity that her anointed music ceases when that captivity is broken and the people come into liberty once more, music, singing, praise, dancing and laughter are restored to her.
1.       The disciples sang hymns together (matt 26:30 mark 14:26).
2.       Paul and Silas sang praise to God in person (act 16:25).
3.       Apostle Paul instructs the church in anointed singing.
They Should Sing.
(a)   psalms: the psalms set to music
(b)   hymns: songs of praise to God
(c)    spiritual songs

      Spontaneous songs given by the spirit.
    The songs of premature church were praises to the lord their primary objective in singing was to praise and magnify God. They did hot sing for effect, or to entertain. Their singing was not manteltree it was directed to God for his pleasure alone.
1.           Commence each service with thanks giving and praises in song. Ps.100:4.
2.           Prayerfully ASK the Holy Spirit for the right song or hymn.
                God has a theme and a message for every service. Often the right song will set the tone for that theme.
3.           Do not be afraid to sing the song more than once or even a particular portion of it which seems especially anointed and blessed.
4.           Exhort the people to really “song unto the lord”.
    Hymns are often sung because it is our tradition and custom to         sing. We have a much worthier purpose than this it is to sing unto the lord to direct our focus heaven ward in song.
5.           Commence with songs of prude and thanks giving. Allow the people to genuinely express their praises through them. Songs are not praises through in themselves. They are merely vehicles through which we may express our praise. It is highly possible to sing many hymns and songs without expressing any trace praise.
6.           Songs or praise will inspire people to worship.
We often begin with praise and then people move progressively                          through various level or praise until they move right into worship which is the highest level of prase to do not “rush through the song service”.
7.           Many ministers look on this part of this service as the “preliminaries” anvil some, but traditional, necessity. Take time to sing, praise and worship. This is a most important function our gathering.
8.            Allow opportunity for congregational participation encourage spontaneous expression someone may lead in prayer, which may set the time for the meeting another may prophecy, and the exhortation may supply the theme for the rest of the service.
9.            The manifestation of the spirit (1cor 12:8-11) this should find expression in believers worship service do not quench the spirit (iphess5:19).
       Encourage participation and expression through these spiritual    endowments.
       However the appointed and anointed spiritual leader should retain spiritual authority over the service at all times.
10.      All things should be done to mutual edification.
       Every scriptural manifestation is legitimate and proper, butter everything that is done, the manner in which it is done, the manner in which it is done, be to the flying of the whole gathering.
11.      Discourage those who engender confusion. (1cor. 14:33).
           God is not the author of confusion if the service begins to move     into confusion take charge and lead it back out or confusion if necessary, pause and explain to the people what is happening thus charring the situation use such times to teach the right and wrong ways to do thing.
12.      Let everything be done as unto the lord- and to the glory of God remember the alms of every gathering the believe.
13.      Use a song book or over head projector- so that people can participate. Do not be afraid, at a certain point to put down the song book or words and just worship from the heart.
14.      There are certain “mechanics” to the leading of a song service you must carefully avoid becoming mechanical or too format let there be an underlying freedom. Be flexible don’t insist on keeping to program. Be constantly sensitive to the prompting of the spirit and be willing to follow them.
Good song leading entails more than waving the arms, even if this is done correctly the liberty of the spirit and spontaneity are more important than technical correctness.
15.      Seek to be hidden – that the people may “see no man, but Jesus only “(MATT 7: 8).
We ought always to be this in mind the people have not come to see or hear you they have come to see and hear Jesus.
Our trust with the help of the holy sprit is to draw aside the real that every eye may see the lord and worship before him this should be the ultimate am or every service.
Leading a worship service
Qualities in worship leaders
1.            Leading worship is a special ministry.
Not every one have this ministry often the pastor does not have this particular ability in that case he should find someone in the congregation who does possess such a gift and be willing for that person to take lead in this particular area.
2.            The leader must be a worshipper.
    It is essential that one who is called to lead other into the worship     maturity be skilled and adept.
3.            Spiritual maturity.
The worship leader should be a person with experience and maturity in the thing or the spirit this spiritual development should be equal to (and perfectly superior to) the congregation that he is seeking to lead.
Such maturity gives the leader confidence and results in a sense of security in the congregation he should be able to control his own sprit so that his personal thoughts feeling and emotions do not intruded into the meeting.
The must also be a man of faith not only able to descend the leading of the sprit but with faith to implement what the sprit may be saying to the assembled saint he should be an exhorter who can motivate and encourage the believer.
4.          spiritual sensitivity has the ideal leader developed sensitivity
For the voice of the holy sprit himself will lead the service if leader will move into those prompting which the sprit will give.
Worship service should be lead by the holy sprit. However he will always use human channel so that there must be a spiritual awareness in the leader.
5.          Genuine humility.
A good leader will always seek to “hide behind the cross”
Nothing run the spiritual atmosphere or service more quickly than egoistical leader who constantly project him self into the meeting
The holy love to glorify Christ and unwilling to turn his spotlight on any human being.
6.          Prayerful preparation.
Prior to the service the leader should always spend some quality time privately in prayer The theme of the service can be discerned before hand in this way
The sprit of the leader can be turn to the sprit of god and in this way the meeting can move right into Gods purposes from the very first song or prayer.
 There should no such things as “preliminationaries in, in a worship service the whole service from the very first movement is dedicated to the praise and glory of God.
7.          Allow sufficient time for worship the manner in which some worship service are horned is an insult to recognize the place or corporate and give it ample time.
B.        Be open to the holy sprit.                                 
Note God is the God of variety. He does not have to do the same thing every time he has as special purpose for every gathering
The leader must learn to discern what that purpose for every gathering.
The leader must learn to discern what that purpose is and to flow along with the sprit unfolds it step by step God can even change the other and the direction or the service which it is proceeding a good leader will be able to discern the very song that should be sung.
C.         Be aware or all that is transpiring.
           The leader should avoid closing his eyes and being “lost in   worship” it is wonderful possible involved in worship and shrill be aware to the people.
         He should have a sensitivity time be exercising a gentle but definite control over the service.

Some of the simple guidelines for leading worship.

1. Begin right where the people are.
2. Song leading is not necessary, worship leading.
3. Allow the holy sprit to give directions.
4. Avoid intrusions and cross currents.
5. Recognize transition and change.
6. Keep the purpose in mind.
7. Make us a symphony.
8. Let every thing to be done decently and in order.
9. seek to excel

Copy the prophetic significance of praise.

Keys to spiritual authority
Spiritual authority

Is the right to make use of Gods power to enforce spiritual word of God in Christ Jesus spiritual authority has been bestowed on us by for a victory Christian loving and for our divine task given to us by God in this study we are going to do some or the rival key that is connected with our spiritual authority, that will enable us to flow properly there in when fully unbent good. 
The key or the authority of Christ.
1.       The authority of Christ was given by the father MATT. 28: 18
The Greek word Exosia means a delegated authority and that is the word Jesus in MATT 28: 18 “all authority (exosia) is given unto me in heaven and earth.
We see that authority exercise by Jesus in his ministry “but when the multitude saw this they were filled with and glorified God who have give that authority to men” (MK 9: 8) it was the authority with which Jesus said that both his work were given such authority with which Jesus said that both his work were given to his by his father (NOHU 14: 10- 11).
2.     Encompasses heaven and earth.                                                
Having died on the cross and been raised by God to the right hand.   
Or it is throne Jesus is given all authority in both heaven and earth.
Paul declares in Philomath 2: 10 that every and under the earth
Must bow to the name of Jesus every tongue will confess that he   
Is lord.
He has been eternally the son of God nature, but there has also    
Been nature but there has also been vested the son the authority
Of the god head COL 1: 19 2: 9.
A.      authority over angles in HEBREWS CHAPTER 1, Christ is set forth in his exalt tem above angels by virtue of both it is glorious office this we read let all angels of God worship him HEB
To none of the angel has God said at anytime sit at my right until make enemies thine foot stool, HEB.
But Christ will reign until the last enemy is destroying and all things are brought into subject win unto him.
B.      Authority over principalities and IN HEBREW 4: 14, we read that Jesus “passed through the heavens” amore literal interpretation read that in this accession he passed “through all the heaven” how many heavens are there above us? Some say, there three, some say seven, however many three may be, Christ was pracced through them all to be enthroned in the highest seat of authority in the whole universe.                                       
That why Paul could say that God raised Christ from the dead set him own at his own right hand on the heavenly places far above all principality and power (authority) might, and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world (age) but also in that which is to come, and hath put all thing under his feet and have him to be head over all thing to the, church which is his body, the fullness of him that fillet all thing in all (EPH 1: 2- 23).
Although Satan is the “God of this age”, and “prina or the power or the air”, he is located beneath the feet of Jesus and must submit to the authority of the exiled Christ. Christ in its atoning death, spoil principalities and make a public victory or them (COL2: 15 / 7 he defeated Satan and his host by shedding his blood and raising the keys or authority in his hand.
This same Jesus Christ is today seated on the throne of universal dominion with all authority given to him.
1.                      Authority over the church.
In COLOSIAN 1, Paul sets forth the preeminence of Christ over all creation. This include that which seen and unseen, in heaven and in earth. T6he has authority over all creation. This include that which seen and unseen in heaven and in earth he has authority over thrones and dominion and principalities and powers and he is declared to be the heal of the church EPH 1:10.
Not only is the church compelled to submit to the authority of Christ results or Christ domination over all things in haven and in earth.
The time church is actually the visible body or the enthroned Christ who holds universe authority and domination and therefore expected to be faithful ambassadors and true representatives of the Kinds of Kings.
C.      authority to save and to judge Jesus declared that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sin peter proclaimed, there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved (ACT 4: 12). Yet this same Christ has authority also to judge all men.
Believe will stand before human judgment seat of Christ (begin judgment) unbelievers will face him as sits on the great white throne in final judgment JOHN: 5, 22- 23, 27, ACTS: 17:31
It can bring us victory.
Our faith in the authority of Christ should be an incentive to victorious living it should make all God promises effective in our lives. It should challenge church to a victorious revival.
When the apostle JOHN saw the glory or the reason lord and its word or triumph (REV 1: 17- 18) he fail at his feet as dead.

The key of the all theory of the believer
A.              Our position and condition in Christ.
The epistle or Paul to the Ephesus Paul naturally into two sections
The first three Chapters is a posture presentation or the believer position in Christ and conclude with an inspiration promise or blessing EPH 3: 20.
The second deals with practical consideration in the believer’s life
We might say that the first section sets forth our legal stand before God and the actual state (condition) of our Christian life.
The first deal with our wealth and second our walk.  
The first shows our right and the second our responsibilities.
The first is doctrinal and the second practical.
1                 There is a divine order it is important that we observe the divine order first our standing then our standing than our state.
       So many Christian are trying to prefect their state in order to gain a right standing and ask us to believe it then he give us a right standing with God this is contrary to God method first he gives us a right standing and ask us  to believe it then he gives us power to live accordingly.

Our standing, our position our, our wealth, our right, and our privileges in Christ are all by grace or God alone.
The represent the Favour of God upon all believers.
2.       We must accept our position.
          If we want to care for our state, our walk, our responsibilities in our daily life. We must first accept what we have become when we were placed in Jesus Christ.
          We must truly believer this driven revelation, as set forth in the first three chapters or Ephesians.
          This will give us the power to “walk worthy of our vocation to which we are called” (EPH 4: 1), as required of us in the second three chapters.
          This is the way God always encourages and help us. First he shows us what we in Christ. He gives the bold declaration of his grace (enabling power). Then he tells, if you will become a practical reality in your life.
          This is the way faith works we believe before we see.
          Sanctification and holy living by any order. Means becomes a natural law of works. Even the good works of the flesh are fleshly. The only works that are pleasing to God are those that spring forth as a fruit or his grace (divine enable) operating through our faith in his word.
B.              God’s good word.
          The bible says in Ephesians 1:3 the bible says “Blessed be the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ”.
          What god says about us?
a.                       Our Adamic nature dead. He declares our nature is dead, Crucified with Christ. (Rom. 6:6-11).
b.                       New creatures in Christ he declares that we are new creatures in Christ. Old things have passed and all thing have become new (2 COR 5: 17).
c.                       Rose with Christ. He declares that we are raised with Christ and enthroned with him in heavenenly places (EPH 2: 6).
d.                       Complete in Christ all that Christ did was for himself, but for us. God now sees us complete (whole, perfect, without blemish in Christ.
C.              God’s encourages and helps us.
            This God’s method of encouraging and helping us. It has always been the same he gives his word and call’s us to believe it.
a.                       Don’t be deceived by the devil.
The devil borrowed this method we see him using this approach GENESIS. When he gave his lying words to eve, he entices her to believe it, and act upon it. If eve had believe God’s word and acted upon it, she would not have fallen, nor her ruin.
b.                       Follow God’s way: God still approaches man in this way.
a.                       He gives us his word and.
b.                       He calls us on to believe it with all our heart and.
c.                       Act accordingly.
c. God’s word has power, In fact.
If we believe God’s word sincerely, he gives us power to accordingly, God’s word contain life in it’ self and has power to accordingly. God’s word contains life in itself and has power to materialize (become4 what has been spoken).
A seed that is planted in the ground will spurring forth with life and form as God designed it the seed of God’s word relieved into our heart will also bring forth life and from in us.
That is why God eulogizes us as he sees us in Christ he knows that if we will relive and believe his word it will materialize (be seen in visible ways) in our lives.
This is the divine formula for Christian victory.
c.                       Our union with Christ apart from Christ we are dead in trees passes. And sins however God calls upon us to picture (enviers our selves as beginning in it is son.
He then ask us to believe that we are crucified with him buried and raised with him this union with Christ is seen in two aspects of his) and our vital indivelling.
1.                Our legal position.
This is our legal standing before God the moment we accept Christ as our saviour and lord we our savior we are just tied we are given a judicial position, a legal standing before a holy God
In EPH 7: 15- 23 Paul prayer that we might be spiritually concerning our legal standing in Christ Jesus
Then in chapter 2: 4- 6, Paul declares that God has “quickened us I raised us from the deal, together with Christ, and has taken us to heaven and enthroned us together the highest heaven in Christ Jesus.
In the mind and purpose of God when he ascended to the father right hand- we also ascended and sat down with him on the throne at the right hand or God the father.
These are some or the blessing or “good utterances” of God concerning us. The represent a divine declaration of our legal union and privilege because of begin with Jesus Christ.
Paul urges us to “recon (count it as done) ourselves to be dead mead unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our lord (ROM 6: 11)
When we are able to grip the truth or these revelation they will eventual become the way to power and personal victory over problems, sin disease and demons
2.                   our vales indivelling
God has given us legal standing in the Christ (which we must accept by faith). He has also produce a vital experience in us by the gelatins, Paul says, “Because ye are sons, God sent forth the sprit or his sons into our hearth, crying Abba, father” GAL 4: 6
Our Adamic nature is dead to God. But some our new birth, we are indwelt by the spirit of divine son ship. COR 6: 17. Again Paul testifies in GAL 2: 20; I am crucified with Christ, never the less I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I have lives in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved and gave himself for me. GAL 2: 20 Paul did not live his day to day life nor conduct his ministry by personal power or wisdom he personal power or divinely inspired concept that Christ live inside him by Holy Spirit
The apostle John also understood this truth “EJN 4: 4; he also wrote in John 1: 16 “of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace, this means that we believe are in dive it by the full potential or the life or Christ he puts his love, this joy, his peace, his goodness, his faith, his meekness and his temperance (or self control) inside us. All these are the fruits or the indwelling spirit.
So by faith we accept the legal standing that is reckoned to us by God in Christ the indivelling spirit responds to our faith and produces the nature of Christ in us
 In these two ways (1) over believing and (2) the spirit enable – our union with Christ metrics. These empowers us to live in such a way that others see Christ living in our lives
    Our authority in Christ
Because we are declared by God to be in Christ, all that is said concerning Christ is said also concerning us
·                     Authority over the power of the enemy                         Christ has all authority MATT: 28: 18 therefore we have authority (LUKE: 10: 19).
·                    Authority over Satan                                                     Satan was bruised (fatally wounded beneath the feet or Christ (GEN 3: 15) Satan is also bruised under our feet. ROM 16: 20.
 Satan is legally place under the feet or Christ that is subject or his authority EPH 1: 22. And Satan is legally beneath our feet, too PS 91: 13.
3.               Authority as Christ ambassadors.
As Christ was sent into this word, so are we Jesus said to the father, as thou hast sent me in to the word, even so have I also sent them into the word JOHN 17: 18.
Thus we are ambassadors of Christ, going forth with his authority, speaking, and acting in his behalf (2COR 5: 20).
There is given to us power of atomic that is the authority we preach the gospel lay hands the sick and cast out devils.
4.                        Authority in God’s kingdom.
Jesus is the here of all things and we are “heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ” (ROM 8: 17) we share his throne rights. Here and now, and shall rule with him in his kingdom in the coming age.

The key of the authority of the believe in Christ is a key that can transform your life. It will open to you the in exactable resources of the kingdom of God.
All we need to do is to believe it use it, and prove it.

The key of the authority of God’s word.

The word God work by faith.
Vial to the key of the authority of the word of God, is to understand that the word of God is truth and works by faith.
What the word says about God is truth! What the word says about me is truth what the says I am in Christ, I am what the word says can through Christ, I CAN DO.
WHAT God says about me is true you are born of Christ, a new creature in Christ, indivellining by Christ, and you can do all things through Christ.
Your feeling may tell you that you have defeated, frustrated, struggling against over willing odd. But the word says you are more than a conqueror, a devil- defeater, and master in all circumstances. And standing on the threshold of unlimited possibilities.
In Christ through faith in his word.
B. fundamental facts conceding the word of God.
1. The word has authority.
In GENESIS 1. God spoke authority word “let there be ……………. And there was this earth about us is the product of the authority of the word of God. The theory of evolution is a challenge to the authority of his word.
God made man and brought him immediately under the authority of his word GEN 2: 16.
Even in the coming Christ will rule by the authority or the word REV 19: 15, ISA 11: 14.
Between Eden and the millennium, there is being wagged a fierce contest over the authority of Gods word. Satan asked eve, “hath God said? (KEN 3: 1) now in this hour of earth deepest spiritual darkness, that question is well established in the minds of the masses. It is a subtle, satanic challenge to the authority of the word of God.
But the authority of the word of God is back by his very being his very character, his eternal throne. It stands unshaken and unshakeable by the on slay his of devils or men. Though heaven and earth pass away, the word of God will prevail through out countless ages to come LK 21: 31.
2.               The word has divine power.
Not only did action come together at the authority live command of God but they stay together by the power of the word, by him all things consist COL 1: 17.
Behind all creation there is the mind, thought, word, power of the angel to Mary (LK 1: 37) “for with God nothing shall be impossible” the literal translation is no word of God shall be void of power.
3.               Jesus spoke the word of authority and power.
When Jesus cast out the unclean spirit from the man in the synagogue, the people were amazed “what a word is this I for with authority and power, life, energy and ability of God
We see the divine authority or his words when he cured the fig of tree and it obeyed and died.
Again, when he commanded the wind and wave to hush and be still and they obeyed and gave place to a great calm.
When he took five logres and two fishes sufficient only for a little boys lunch and said to his disciples, give ye them to eat (LU 9:13)
Acting on those words which were so powerful and pregnant with creative enemy, the bread, and fish multiplied, and the disciples found sufficient to feed five thousand men with a left over of twelve basket.
4.                      Believers are given the word of authority and power.
Jesus spoke God’s word in JN 14: 16.
Moreover, Jesus gave those authorities, power words of God to us (JOHN 17: 8), LK 4: 4.
Solomon said, “a mans belly is satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall be filled: death and life are in they that love it shall eat the fruit there of (PRO 18: 20, 21).
Again Jesus said by the words thou, shall be condemned (MATT 12: 27) the power and authority of the words the father gave him.
These same words are given to us. We, too, may speak them. We, too, may live by their authority and power.
As those words of god dwell in our heart and are spoken by our lips, they become bread and fruit to us. We shall be changed and transformed by them.
They will justify us,
Heal us,
Empower us,
And give us victory,
We must accept the authority of the word to prove its power.
The moment we unreservedly accept the authority of the word, it will work? It may not materialize immediately, but it becomes a creative and productive factor in our lives.
The God who, with authority and power, said “let there be light and there was light…….. Has also said, if any man in Christ he is a new creature” (2COR 5:17) I am in Christ- therefore, I am a new creature.
Old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new (2COR 5: 18) - and it is!
I am crucified with Christ …… Christ lives in me (GAL 2: 20) I accept the word of God to me and it is so.
Accepting the authority of the word makes you to experience its power.
The Gods who said “let there be firmament….. And it was so (GEN 1: 6, 7) has said. The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the lord shall recover MK 16: 18.
I am the lord that healeth thee (EXO 15: 26).
And the God who said “let the earth bring forth grass and it was so (GEN 1: 11) has also said.
The God of peace shall bring Satan beneath your, shortly ROMS 16: 20.
We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. (ROM 8: 37).
I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as they soul prospereth (3JN 2).
God declares that you have been raised to new life in Christ complete in Christ, indivelt by Christ. Believe it, it is so.
God declares that you can do all things by the in- wrought power of Christ believe it! It is so.
A thousand thought may arise in rebellion against the authority of his word, but God said… it is so.
This is the key to victory, to healing to deliverance, to the supply of all your needs.
You must whole heartedly accepts its authority, “and its so.

Chapter 4
the key of the authority of the ministry.

We have considered there important keys of authority, namely.
·                                     The authority or the Christ.
·                                     The authority or the believer.
·                                     The authority or the word of God.
These represent our authority or access to the abundant provision of God for all believers, and our authority over Satan and his works of darkness. We can release captives from the works of the devil.
All believe in Christ have the privilege of using these keys of authority.
However, there are certain ones whom the lord has castled and equipped for a specified ministry both to the church and to the unsaved.
A call to a ministry gift is more than being a personal witness. It is the ministry of Christ in and through certain chosen vessels. Through these Jesus continues to building his church and prepares a people for the day when he will come again.
Every person called by God to a ministry- gift sooner or later acknowledges his need to be supernaturally equipped with power from heaven. To fulfill the commission and purpose or God for your ministry.
Faced with this challenge, the church leader will either harden his heart and close his ear to cries of the boned, or he will see ability he need to reproduce the ministry and set captive free.
A.              Divine authority of ministry gifs.
Divine authority of the ministry is authority which is imparted to true servants of God in the church of Christ.
This is not authority over peoples life, nor authority of office in an organization, but the authority of Christ over the devil and his works, (MATT 10: 1- 6) this is the authority to do the work, of Christ, to build his church, to perfect the saint. And prepare them for the day they will be presented to the lord.
It is an authority that makes ministry effective and productive. It is an authority that makes each different (kind of ministry fruitful in its own sphere.
·                          Ministry- gift given by Christ.
These ministries gift are listed for us in EPHESIAN 4: 11 as follows “and he gives some apostles, and some prophets, and some, evangelist and some pastors and teachers.
Here we have a complete list of ministry gift bestowed on certain person in his church. There are many gifts which may be received by leader as seen in another course some of these may serve to equip them
But this list covers the major types of ministry which stem from Christ himself for the benefit of his church
Let his consider them in a little more detail
A.              Apostle, the word means “a special messenger, a pioneer, one who is called of God to restore some new facet of truth, to inspire a new vision, and to established and over local Christian churches.
B.              prophet, this ministry conveys the mind of God to the church in other to meet the needs of specified occasions, exercising the gift of the word of wisdom and word of knowledge, and exhorting the with inspired utterance.
C.              Evangelists, those who bear this ministry. Gift are called to proclaim the gospel of Christ, bring men and women to salvation, with a message usually confirmed by supernatural signs.
D.              Pastor and teachers these ministry- gift are so divsely linked together that some consider them to be one gift.
Whenever one or two closely allied gifts, these ministries are effective in shepherding and instructing the local churches.
While these gifts overlap and dovetail with one another, each is the impartation of divine enablement by the living Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
These gifts of ministry represent the full orbed ministry of Christ himself, that his work might be continued and his blood bought victory enforced over Satan and all his evil power.
·                          Ministry gift were won by Christ.
These Ministry gift were won for us at Calvary EPH 4: 8- 10.
It was by his death and bunal, by his rising again with the key of death and hell, that Christ gained the victory.
He shares that victory with men by the means of the Ministry gift. He distributes these gifts to those whom he has called to his service. It is a picture of a warrior king who having won a mighty victory, returns in triumph procession to the hill of Zion.
He is dragging in his train a host of captives; other tied to the wheels of the chariots all showing miserable and fearful evidence of their defeat. Seated on the conquerors throne, the neither war nor kings calls to him those who share in the pain and blood of battle, and to them he distributes the spoil he has gained.
Jesus Christ, no our war or king, ventured into the enemy territory of sin, sickness and the curse of sin, death itself, shed its blood in death and rose again, saying I am he that liveth and was dead, and, behold, I am alive for ever more, Amen. And hare the keys of hell and of death. (REV 1: 18).
Satan and his hosts of demos and all their destructive works are bound by the cords of Christ blood bought authority, defeated by the one who achieved the victory at so great a price.
And this great victory he was willing to share with those who confess him publicly as lord, because all he did at the cross he did not do for him self but in our name. In our name it’s died in our name he was buried and rose again.
The victory he won was on our behalf, us our representative and as our substitute to defeat our enemy and to win our victory.
For this reason, he called is to share the spoil, to sit with him in the conqueror chair, to be partaker of his authority over the enemy and all his powers.
·                          Ministry gifts bears the authority of Christ
          The authority of Christ
When we receive the gifts of Christ, we share the victory of Christ.
We are delegated with authority over all foes of mankind- the devil, demons and all their evil work.
It is authority to loose men from sin and sickness. Jesus gives church leader this authority to release those in prison or bondage to demonic powers in which they are held illegally.
It is the key to unlock prison doors and to announce freedom to those who have been enslaved by the enemy.
It is the privilege of heralding the good news of deliverance throughout the land.
The devil hates and fares a ministry of authority.
 It is now time that bearer of the ministry gift of Christ, every apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, should recognize the authority of his ministry and go forth as one who is an ambassador of our conquering war nor- king.        


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