The Holy Bible is God’s special book. It is not like any other book but it is a supernatural book. It is one of the oldest books in the world and the world’s best seller.
It provides answers to the basic questions of life i.e
·       The origin of man.
·       The purpose of life.
·       The final destiny of mankind.


The bible is made up of 66 books with one central theme: God’s plan of love to redeem mankind from sin and evil. John 3:16.
·       The Old Testament tells us about God’s dealings with the covenant nature of Israel before the advent of Jesus Christ through the mediation of law given by God to Moses. 2Cr.
·       The New Testament tells us about our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ; His birth, his life, his ministry, his death on a cross, and His ascension.
·       It reveals to us the continuation of the ministry of Jesus through the hands of His Apostles.
·       The Epistles contain letters or inspired writings of eye witnesses of His resurrection to help establish the believer in the faith.

·       For salvation sinners 2 Tim. 3:15
·       For correct doctrine.
·       For rebuking.
·       For correction.
·       For instruction in righteousness.
·       Divine provision for the supernatural life 2 Peter 1:3-4.


Power in the word:

·       The word of God has immense creative ability as all things were created by the word Ps. 33:6-9, Heb. 11:3.
·       The word has cleansing ability. It cleanses from every impurity of life. Eph.5:25-27, John 15:3.
·       It preserves from impurities of sin. P. 119:11.
·       God’s word is light of life: The word of God is like a light shining on a dark world of sin, evil. Only through the light of the word we can navigate through the rough path of light. Pet. 2:19.
·       It is our only source of light and understanding in a world of darkness Ps. 19:8, Ps. 119:105, 180.
·       It is the spiritual food for the spiritual man. It is only by feeding regularly on the word can we hope to sustain our spirit man. Mtt. 4:4.
·       It helps our spiritual man to grow. 1Cor.3:1, 2; 1Pet. 2:2; Eph. 4:12-15.

The word of God is the seed of God:

·       It is through the seed of the word that supernatural manifestation of God is produced.
·       Everything we receive from God first comes as a seed of the word. Lk. 8:14,15; 2Cor. 9:10.
·       The word of God is like a sword.
·       As the sword of the spirit we engage to fight the spiritual battle against all the enemies of God and all that is good. Heb. 4:12, Eph. 6:17. Lk. 4:1-14.
·       It is the sole structure upon which we are to build a durable Christian life experience.

Lesson 2:

The bible teaches about God:
The ultimate of the bible is about its author, God. Everything we need to know about God is revealed to us therein. Whatever that is not revealed in the bible about God is not worth knowing.

What the bible reveals about God:

a.   He is the creator of  everything. Gen1:1; Neh. 9:6, Ps. 139:13
b.    God is all powerful. Rom 9;19-21; 1 ch.29;11, eph.3;20
c.   God is all knowing. Heb.4;13,1 john 3;20,ps.139
d.   God is holy.1Sam.2:2.
e.   God is a spirit. John.4:24.
f.    God is a loving father. 1Sam.3:1.
·       We are created by Him Ps. 139:14-16
·       He is our master and owner 1Cor. 6:19-20
·       And are called to worship him as one that is deserving of our praise Rev. 4:11
Lesson 3
The fall of man:
From evidence of the Bible, we understand that man was created as a creature of purpose. God created human beings in his image and likeness. God’s reason is to have beings that are exactly like him with whom he can share life. His origin to create sons to share dominion and power over all things Gen. 1:26-28, Ps. 8:4-7.
Satan corrupted the plan of God:
God’s plan for man was derailed by Satan.
Lucifer was one of the chief Angels in heaven who rebelled against God and was evicted out of the presence of God.
Satan through the serpent lured human being into sinning against God by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Gen 3:6.
Result of man’s rebellion:
Through the sin of disobedience to instructions and commands of God, mankind lost the glory and the image of God, and the dominion over the creations.
Satan usurped the throne vacated by Adam. Matt 1, Heb. 2:14-15; Rom. 5:12, Eph. 2:1-3


1.   Full of idolatry Rom. 1:21-23
2.   Immorality. Rom 1:24-27
3.   All kinds of wickedness Rom.1:28-32
God plans for man’s salvation
God did not abandon mankind forever under the bondage of the slave master but has already perfected a plan for the salvation of mankind even before the fall. His plan is to rescue mankind from the plotters of Satan and to restore him to his original plan of being sons and sharing his glory. This plan of salvation was executed in Christ 1Cor. 15:22.
Core teaching of the New Testament:
The New Testament is the record of God’s redemption plan set in motion through the life and death of our Lord Jesus Christ
Lesson 4: Jesus
1.   Jesus is the son of God who was naturally born by the Virgin Mary Lk..1:26-35. He was God manifested in flesh. John 1:1, 145
2.   Jesus was sent by God for a special purpose.
a.   To rescue man from Satan’s power Lk. 19:10
b.   To give his life as a ransom to buy us back Matt. 20:28
c.   To destroy the works of Satan in our lives  3:8
d.   To give us new birth into God’s family. John 1:12, 1John 3:1,2
e.   To give us eternal life. John 5:11, 12;   3:16, 17
f.    To restore our fellowship with God the father. 1Jn 1:3
3.   Jesus came to reveal God to mankind. He revealed God’s love to us. 1John 4:9, 10, Rom 5:8. He revealed the power of God to us.
a.   By healing the sick. John9:1-7, Matt 7:24
b.   By casting out evil spirits. Mark 1:34, Mark 5:1-17
c.   He performed diverse miracles. Mark7:37-41, John 6:1-21
d.   He exercised power over death by raising the dead. John 11:43, 44.
4.   Jesus shared our suffering in life. Jesus was able to experience every trouble which we face in this life and so understands how we feel. Heb.. 4:15, Matt. 8:17
5.   He died on the cross for us

Lesson 5:

The bible teaches that Jesus died for us at the cross to save us from sin and its consequences. Mark15:16-39, 1Pet. 2:24, Isa 53:5,6
6.   He rose from the dead for us. Eph. 2:4-6, Rom. 6:4
7.   He opened the door of heaven for us. When he ended his work on earth, Jesus returned to heaven to be with God and so opened to us the way unto God’s presence.
Lesson 6:    The cross
God’s eternal plan for man’s salvation was via through the cross. When Jesus died at the cross, God provided answers to our needs.
Benefits of the cross:
All of sin was dealt with through the cross:
·       It reveals the power of God to save 1Cor. 1:18, Rom. 1:16
·       God’s love was revealed in the cross Rom 8:8
·       God removed our sorrows on the cross 1  53:4
·       Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross 1Sa 53:5,6
·       We entered into a new relationship through the cross
i.            We became acceptable to God through the cross 2Cor. 5:21
ii.           We received forgiveness through the cross 1:13,14
iii.          Freedom from judgment Heb.. 9:26,27
iv.          Freedom from everlasting death. John 3:16, 1Jn 2:12
4.   We become members of God’s family through the cross Heb. 2:11, 112
5.   Racial barriers were broken at the cross Eph. 2:15-16
6.   Freedom from the cross:
i.            Freedom from Satan Col. 2:15, 1:13
ii.           Freedom from past sins Rom John 8:36, Col. 2:13
iii.          Freedom from present sins Rom 6:14
iv.          Freedom from sickness Matt. 8:17
v.           Freedom from curses Gal.3:13, Deut. 28:15-68
7.   God’s love and justice meet at the cross. God’s righteousness judgment demanded death penalty for sin – the shedding of blood, His love met His own demands by sending, his son to die Rom. 5:8-4.
About the blood of Christ:
·       The shedding of the blood of Jesus opened to us the door of divine forgiveness. Heb.. 9:22.
·       The life of Christ was in the blood Lev. 17:11
·       By shedding His blood, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins Rom. 6:23
·       He gave his blood to make atonement for us on the cross.


1.   Separates us from God Isa 59:2
2.   Make us feel guilty Ps. 38:4
3.   Allow Satan to accuse us Rev. 12:10
4.   Demands penalty
C.    The blood and God
i.            It fully satisfies God’s law which requires penalty for breaking the law.
ii.           It restores our fellowship with God Rom. 8:8,9
iii.          We are redeemed Eph. 1:7
iv.          It cleanses from the guilt Heb.. 9:14
v.           The blood sanctifies us
vi.          The blood gives boldness to enter God’s presence
vii.        The blood perfects in the sight of God

The blood and Devil
i.            The blood puts God on the man against the Devil Rom8:31,33,34.
ii.           The blood dissolves all Satanic legal rights of ownership Col. 1:14
More benefits from the blood:
i.            Purity of heart 1John 1:7
ii.           Eternal life John 6:53, 54
iii.          Unhindered access to God Eph. 2:13

Lesson 7:


The New Testament teaches that after His death on the cross and three days in the grave, God raised His son Jesus from the dead. Matt 28, Rom 1:4
Facts of the resurrection:
·       God raised us up together with Christ Eph. 2:1-6, Col. 3:1-3
·       He gave us new life 2Tim. 7:9, 10
·       To give us new birth 1Pet. 1:3
·       To give us a new beginning 2 Cor. 5:17
·       To give us victory over Satan Jn. 4:4. Jn5:5, 5. Col. 2:13-15
·       Authority over Satan. 1Pet 3:21-23. Lk. 10:17-19.
·       Power over Satan Eph. 1:18-23, Mark 16:15-18, Acts 1:6; 4:33.
·       To make us sons and heirs of the King. Rom. 8:15-17

The resurrection meets every need of life:

·       Deliverance from the past Rom. 6:4-11, Eph. 2:1-7, Col. 2:12-15
·       It is power present life Rom. 8:31-39
·       It is our hope for the future. Col. 18, 1Cor. 15:17-23, 1Cor. 15:50-57, 1Thess 4:13-18.

Lesson 8: About Repentance:
Repentance is the first beep we take to receive the salvation that God offers to us in the Lord.  Acts 2:36-38, see Acts. 17:30
What repentance is:
i.            Being sorry to God for your sin Ps. 51:1-4, Ps. 3:88it is being truthful about your sins. Prov. 28:13
ii.           Hating sin Heb.. 1:9, Ezek. 20:43-44
iii.          It may include restitution when possible. Lk.. 19:8
Repentance involves:
1.   Turning from your sins. Zech. 1:4, Gal. 5:19-21, Eph. 5:5.
2.   Turning from the world. 1Jn. 2:15, James 4:4
3.   Turning from yourself. 2Cor. 5:15, Lk.. 14:26.
4.   Turning from the devil.   26:18, Col. 1:13
5.   Turning to God. Zech 1:3.
6.   Turning to right-living Rom. 6:13.

Lesson 9:  
About Faith:
The New Testament teaches that the Christian is a life of total depence on God, which is a life of faith.
Ø It is faith that advances you beyond your five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching.
Ø It releases you from your limited capacities.
Ø By faith you move from inability to ability.


The bible teaches that faith is obedient action in response to the word of God. Faith is having trust, assurance or confidence in God. Heb.. 11:1. It is abandoning our reliance on our limited knowledge for the limitless knowledge.
Basis of faith:
1.   The Nature of God Heb.. 6:13
i.       He cannot change. Matt.3:6
ii.     He cannot ---- Job 42:2, 1Chron. 28:20
iii.   He cannot lie.
2.    The redemptive work of the son of God. Heb.. 12:3. 1Cor. 1:30. Rom. 5:1,2.
3.   The word of God Matt. 24:35, Isa. 40:8
How faith works:
i.            God gives faith. Rom. 1:17, Heb.. 2:4, Eph.
ii.           Faith comes from hearing from God. Rom. 10:17, Gen. 15:3; 17:-21; Joshua 1:8.
iii.          Obedience to the word. James 2:17, James 1:22-25, Gen. 15:6, Matt. 7:24-27
4.   Crisis or trials of faith: 1Pet. 6:9, Rom. 4:16-21, Ps. 105:17-19.
5.   The result: the end is always victory for man of faith and the glory of God. James 1:2-4, 12; Gen.2:17; 1-3; Ps. 105:19-22; Acts 3:16; Heb. 6:13-15. 1Jn. 5:4
Lesson 10: About grace: Grace is most commonly understood as God’s unmerited, as it is writing while we are yet sinners, Christ died for us, and that through his death, he might save us from the sin and the wrath of God. Eph. 2:8-9.
God’s grace did not only purchase forgiveness of sin for us but was also readily available as God’s enabling power. Eph. 1:4-6. It is through the enabling grace of God that we are transformed and equipped for the new life in Christ Jesus. 2Cor. 5:17.
i.            It is through the grace of God that we can maintain a constant waLk. with God.
ii.           It is also the grace that can help us to grow and be strong in the Lord. Jhn. 2:1
iii.          Examples of Men of God’s grace in the bible: Moses- Ex. 3:11-13; 4:1-13. Gideon- read Judges 6:1-24. Apostle Paul – Acts 15:40, 2Cor. 11:22-33, 2 Cor.12:9.
1.   Bold access onto the throne of grace. Heb..4:16
2.   Equipped for every good works. 2Cor. 9:8


To be ‘baptized’ means to be totally immersed. It is one of the injunctions which our Lord Jesus gave to the Church. Matt. 28:13-20, Mark. 16:15-18. when a person repents of his or her sins and believes that Jesus died for him, he is to be baptized in the water.
1.   Identification with the death of Christ. Rom. 6:6-7
2.   We are buried with him in baptism. Rom. 6:3-4.
3.   We were raised with him from the death, Rom. 6:4-5
a.   It is the funeral of the old man.
b.   It is the resurrection unto New life
c.   It is a declaration of our transition from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Christ. Col. 1:13, from the Adamic race to the new creation of God’s Kingdom. 1Cor. 15:22, Rom. 5:12, Rom.5:6, 1Cor. 15:22; 15:45-49; 2Cor.5:7; Eph. 2:10
Before His death and resurrection, and power to his ascension, Jesus made a promise of   sending to his disciples the Holy Spirit (John. 14:16-18; 16:5-7, Acts 1:1-8) who according to the scripture is the 3rd person of the Godhead. Acts5:34, 1Cor. 3:17.
The Holy spirit is God’s gift to every believer, and it is received when a person believes in Jesus and receives the salvation that he offers. Acts 2:38,39.
Works of Holy Spirit in a believer’s life:
a.   He testifies of our relationship with God. Rom. 8:16
b.   He teaches. John 14:26
c.   He guides. Rom 8:14
d.   He helps us live a life pleasing to God. Gal. 3:16.
e.   He helps us in our prayers. Rom. 8:26.
f.    He gives life to our bodies. Rom 8:11.
In the believer for service:
·       He gives power and boldness to witness. Acts 1:8; acts 2:14-40.
·       He introduces the supernatural realm. 1Cor. 12:14, 8-10; Acts 2:4; 10:49; 79:6.
·       He test5ifies about Christ. Acts 5:30-32; Acts 4:31-33.
·       He brings a fresh understanding of the word of God. 1Cor.2:9-10; John16:13
·       He fills our spirit with true worship to GodEph.5:18; 19. John 4:24.
·       He glorifies Jesus, John 16:13-15; 15; 26.
How to baptize in the Holy Spirit:
1.   It is a gift promised by God; you must ask for it. Lk..11:13.
2.   Begin to praise as you receive in faith Lk.. 24:52;53.
3.   You can speak with a supernatural language. Acts 19:6, Matt. 16:17; Acts 2:4; 10:45, 46.
Lesson 13: Temptation:
What is temptation? It is enticement or persecution to …… temptation is not sin, but yielding to temptation is sin. Satan attacks individual Christians mostly through temptation. He focuses his attacks on two major areas.
1.   Desires of the world: He attempts to make the believer to be absorbed into the world system.
a.   To make the material blessings the world offers a central desire.
b.   To make honour and recognition of the world an important goal and
c.   To make the comfort of being one with those our basis for security.
d.   We are admonished by the scripture not to love the world and all that is in it, 1Jhn 2:15; James 4:4; 2 Tim. 6:6-11.
THE DESIRE OF THE FLESH: though we have been delivered from the power and consequences of sin, but we are still living a physical world which is subjected to natural appetite and desires. Satan will use these to try and get a Christian to place greatest importance on them more than the prompting of the Holy spirit within him (Rom 8:54, James 7:14; Eph. 2:3.
Victory won by Christ:
Christ has won the ultimate victory Satan and His deliver my spirits and giving us a platform to overcome them. Through His life Lk. 4:1-11; Heb. 4:15.
2.   Through His Death and resurrection. Rom. 8:9, Heb. 2:14; Rom. 8:3, 4.
Christian Victory:
Based on the foundation of this great victory which Christ has won forcus, the Christian through faith in Christ can now defeat the attacks from enemy. 1 John 5:6; 5.
1.   Know the victory is already won
2.   Walk in step with the spirit Gal. 5:22-25
3.   Recognize temptation for what it is – temptation is not sin, yielding  to temptation is sin James 1:15; Gal. 6:4; 7
4.   Understand there is a way of escape provided 1Cor. 10:13, James 4:7
5.   Keep the right in life Col. 3:1,2; Ph. 4:8; 1Tim. 6:11; 12; 2Pet. 3:11-13.
6.   Keep away from obvious areas of temptation. Ps. 101:3;
7.   Beware of Satan’s scheme. 2Cor. 2:11.
a.   He is a liar John 8:44
b.   He is a slander and accuser of brethren Rev. 12:10
c.   He is a deceiver. Rev. 12:9
d.   He is a tempter. Matt. 4:1-11
e.   He is an oppressor. Acts 10:38
f.    He is a hinderer. 1 Thess. 2:18
g.   He is like a roaring Lion 1Pt. 5:8
h.   He can transform himself into an angel of light. 2Cor. 11:14
We are called to live a life of victory in Christ Jesus over the flesh Gal. 9:16, over the world. 1John 5:4; over the enemy Eph. 6:11; 13.
Lesson 14: Fellowship: what is fellowship?
Fellowship is from the Greek word “kononia”, which is interpreted variously as participation. It is a true association of believers. Characteristics of a fellowship is shared group believe and interests.
Purpose of Christian fellowship:
1.   To encourage, comfort and grow the believer in Christ. Rom. 1:11,12.
2.   The world will know that Jesus was sent of God John 17:22; 23.
3.   To give proof
Condition of fellowship:
1.   A basic commitment to one another Rom. 12:10. Without basic trust   there can be no fellowship. Depth of fellowship vary according to depth of commitment
2.   Our commitment must be based on “agape”. Agape is a one way love, which loves in spite of not “because of” such a commitment therefore will not be affected by the other persons inconsistent behaviour John 13:34.
3.   True fellowship is Christ-contented. 1John 1:3, Ph. 2:12.
4. in the lights: our fellowship embraces the need for openness, honesty and truth fullness with one another.
a.   Confessing our sins to others, or lovingly covering another sin. 1 Jhn. 1:6, 7, Matt. 18:15
b.   Obedience to the light – general and specific commandments God has given.
c.   Removal of any mask of covering. 1 Pt. 1:22
5.   Genuine interest in the other’s wellbeing Ph. 2:3,4
6.   A willingness to lay down one’s life. John 15:12-13. Love involves more than physical life. It includes our material possessions, our personal interest, and preferences e.t.c. James 21:15-16.
Meaning of fellowship in the Church:
a.   Sharing all things. Acts 2:44, 45.
b.   Laying down lives. Rom 16:3,4
c.   Devoted to serving the brethren 1Cor. 16:15
d.   Sharing in suffering. Ph. 4:14
e.   Being a channel of supply to others in need 2Cor. 8:14; 1Cor. 16:17
f.    Sacrificial giving 2 Cor. 8:9
g.   Practicing Hospitality
h.   Building up and encouraging one another 1Ths. 2:8; 2Tim. 3:10-14
Result of fellowship:
a.   Fear of God. Acts 2:43
b.   Joy. Acts 2:46
c.   Favour with all people. Acts 2:47
d.   Addition of new believers. Acts 2:47
e.   All needs are supplied. Ph.14:19
f.    Emergence of leadership. 1 Cor. 16:15,16.
Lesson 15: Generosity:
Generosity is the quality of being kind, understanding and not selfish. It is also defined as the willingness to give money and other material things to others. It is one spiritual laws set in motion by God to govern life. 2Cor. 9:6.believers as partners with God (1Cor. 3:9) 2 Cor. 5:20; 6:10. As partners with God, it is important we understand where responsibilities lie
1.   Ownership with God. Ps. 24:1; Ps. 89:11; Job 41:11; 1 Chron. 29:10-14
§  We are not owners but stewards. All ownership is with God. Every single created thing living or not, ultimately belongs to Him, including everything material or immaterial that we may personally have in life; possession, carrier, families.
§  He gives us all things to enjoy. 1 Tim. 6:17, and when we realize that they still belong to God, we can rest in the assurance that God also has ultimate responsibility for them. Matt. 6:25-33
2.   Stewardship is with us.
§  We are not owners but stewards. A steward manages and takes care of that which belongs to someone else.
§  God owns everything but as stewards, we man and take care of it for Him.
§  We have an obligation to be faithful in this stewardship.
Areas of stewardship:
a.   Our life. (acts 17:25, 1Cor 6:19, Gal. 2:20; Job 33:4
b.   Our time. Ps. 90:12; Eph. 5: 15; 16. Col. 4:5.
c.   Our Talents and abilities. 1 Pet. 4:10; 1Cor. 12:4-7, 11
d.   Our possessions. Matt. 6:19-21; Col.3:1,2
e.   Our finances. 1 Tim. 6:6-10; 17-19; Matt. 6:24.
f.    The message of the gospel. 1 Cor. 4:19, 16, 17; 1Tim. 6:20.
A living sacrifice: for a believer to experience the full blessings of God stewardship – He or she must be totally surrendered to God – unreserved submission of one’s entire life possessions and plans to God’s will and purpose. It is only when we give ourselves to God that we learn what it means to give some of the possessions (or money) God has given us.
Giving in the early church:
1.   They supported the needy. Acts 6:1-3.
2.   Churches gave sacrificially to one another. 2 Cor. 8:23 Cor. 8:1;2
3.   The church supported travelling ministries. Acts 18:3. 2 Thess. 3:7-9. Ph. 4:18-18
4.   Christians worked to be able to give. Eph. 4:28.
5.   Giving was the proof of their love 2Cor. 8:14-24; 7-15, 1Cor. 16:1,2, 1John 3:11, 18.
Lesson 16: Kingdom Living:
A believer is one who is delivered from Satan’s dominion (ruler ship or headship) we are now under a new authority – that of Christ Jesus our Lord. As he grows in his life in the Lord, the believer soon discovers that the only way to enjoy living in God’s Kingdom is to live in right relationship with Jesus (Eph. 1:17; Ph. 3:10.
Understanding our relationship with Christ:
1.   He is our savior. It is the primary relationship which we have with him. Matt. 1:21. We cannot know God as father or friend until we first have a revelation of Jesus as savior. John.
a.   He saved us from the judgment of God. 1 Ths.1:10; 5:9; Rom. 5:9.
b.   Satan’s power (Acts 26:18; Col. 1:13; Heb.. 2:14; 1 John 3:8.
c.   He saved us from ourselves. Th. 3:19, 2 Cor. 5:15,Titus 3:3-6, 1Pet.1:18, Heb.. 5:8-9, Heb.. 2:10. 2Tim. 1:10
2.   He is the Lord of the redeemed. Knowing him as savior brings us into God’s kingdom and as the king of the kingdom he becomes our Lord. Col. 2:6, 1Cor. 12:3, John 13:13, Rom. 1:4, 1 Cor. 8:6, 1 Cor. 4:5.  Being under the dominion of Christ liberates us from the domineering influence of sin. Col. 2:9; 10, 1Cor. 8:6. Christ is the model citizen of the kingdom of God. His life is an example of what the true citizen of the kingdom should be, who though he is the king of the kingdom took the place of a servant. Ph. 2:5, John 13:13-15, Matt 20:26-28.
Lesson 17: Kingdom citizens:
Ø As a member of his kingdom, we enter a master servant relationship with him. Matt. 6:24
Ø As Jesus was committed to do the will of God in all things (Heb..10:5-9)
Ø He displayed the kingdom lifestyle to please God. Eph. 5:8-10.
Ø In the spirit, we are expected to have this servant heart just as he is.
1.   Paradox of Christian Life:
In slavery, there is freedom. Rom.6:22, 16-23, 12:1, 1Cor. 7:22. 2Cor. 3:17, Eph.6:6, 7. 1Pet. 2:16
2.   In being a servant, there is greatness. Matt. 23:11, 12; Matt. 20:26, 27; Mark 9:35; 10:34, John 12:26.
3.   In humility there is exaltation. Matt. 18:14; Prov. 29:23; James 4:10; 1 Pet. 5:5,6 Matt.19:50.
4.   In submission, there is authority. Lk.. 7:7-8; James 4:7. The lifestyle of the kingdom is a lifestyle of submission and obedience to God. Matt. 12:50; Eph. 6:6; Heb.. 13:21 1John 2:17.
Reason for submission:
a.   Because of all he has done for us. Rom. 12:1; Eph. 4:1; Titus 3:4-7.
b.   There is fulfillment in submission. Ps. 40:18
c.   Because of love. John 14:15; 1Jhn. 5:3.
The fruit of the kingdom: when we are in the kingdom God expects us as citizens to bring forth fruits of the kingdom. Matt. 21:43; 1 Thess. 2:11, 12.
a.   Love, joy, peace. Gal. 5:22-23.
b.   Goodness, righteousness, truth. Eph. 5:9; James 3:13-17.
c.   Righteousness, peace and joy. Rom. 14:17; Heb. 12:11; 1 Pet. 2:11; Col. 1:10; 2:6, Eph. 4:1.
Lesson 18: Worship:
There are 3 main understanding we desire of worship from the bible.
a.   Blessing God. Ps. 103:1. To bless is to speak good thing concerning someone or thing. We bless God through our praise and worship of him. Ps. 34:1-3.
b.   Praise: another word which is implied in worship is ‘praise’; praise is an expression of admiration and appreciation for God. Praise has to do with acknowledging God’s character and power. Ps. 63:3-4.
Reasons for praise:
·       Because of whom he is. Ps. 47:6, 7
·       Because of what he does Ps. 103:1-5
Who can praise God?
a.   Those who seek God. Ps. 22:26.
b.   Everything that has breath. Ps. 150:6.
When do we praise God?
a.   At all times. Ps. 34:1.
b.   In every circumstance. 1 Thess. 5:16-18.
Where do we praise God:
a.   The congregation of His people. Heb.. 2:12.
b.   Among the nations. Ps.57:9.
c.   On our beds. Ps. 63:4-8
Worship: the 3rd connotation of worship is the word worship itself. Worship is an expression of love and adoration. It has to do with the love we have for Him. Deut. 6:4-5; Mark 12:33.
Genuine worship must be in the spirit. John 4:23-24. True must proceed from inner man, in response to the promptings of the spirit of God. Only believers can offer true worship to God because only the spirit can stair it up in an individual. John 5:5-8; 1Cor.2
3.   Must be in truth: john 4:23-24. To worship God in truth is to worship him as the bible says we should worship. Num. 3:4; 26:6
Expression of worship:
1.   With mouth.
a.   Singing. Ps. 9:2;11
b.   Praising. Ps.103:1
c.   Shouting. Ps. 47:1
2.   With hands:
a.   Lifting the hand. Ps. 63:4
b.   Clapping the hands. Ps. 47:1
c.   Musical instruments. Ps. 150.
3.   With the body:
a.   Standing. Ps. 134:1.
b.   Kneeling, bowing. Ps. 95:6.
c.   Dancing and leaping for joy. Ps.30:11.
The greatest thing we can do in this life or eternity is to worship God. So determine today to be a true worshipper and make it your supreme goal in life.
Lesson 19: Prayer: the times we spend with God in prayer can release the most dynamic, history changing power ever known in the world.
 Divine invitation to pray: Matt. 6:6. We have been invited by God himself to go into the secret place of prayer with him. Heb.. 4:
To enter into the secret place with him the following are required:
1.   Right motive. Matt. 6:5
2.   A right relationship with God. Lk.. 11:11-13.
3.   Full trust in God. Ps. 55:16-17.
4.   A dispensing of false fronts. Mark 7:6,7.
Five biblical commands in regards to prayer:
1.   Watch and pray always. Lk.. 21:36 Mark 13:35-37.
2.   Pray lest you fall into temptation. Matt. 26:41
3.   Pray for workers. Lk.. 10:2
4.   Pray for those in authority. 1Tim. 2:1,2.
5.   Pray for your enemies. Lk.. 6:28
When to pray: while the bible injunction is to pray always, many examples abound in the scriptures of people who pray at regular intervals or times. 1Chr.4:10, Is. 55:16-17, Dan. 6:10.
Jesus’ example of clearly pattern of regular, whole hearted prayer:
1.   Early in the morning. Mark 1:35.
2.   Before each meat. Mark 6:41.
3.   All night. Lk.. 6:12
What to pray for:
1.   Ourselves. 1 Chr. 4:10.
2.   One another. James 5:16.
3.   The ministries in the body of Christ. 2 Thess. 3:1.
4.   The sick and draught. James 5:14-16.
5.   Those enslaved with sin. 1 John 5:16.
Role of the spirit in prayer: one of the primary purposes of the spirit is to guide or help us in our prayer. Rom. 8:27. We pray in the spirit when a special anointing of the spirit rests on us to pray. Eph. 6:18, Jude 20. To help us pray effectively, the Holy Spirit also provides the special gift of speaking in another tongue. 1 Cor. 12:47, 1Cor.14.
Prayer of agreement:
·       Two believers join together in prayer provides a very big advantage. Matt. 18:19
·       Co-operate prayer. Acts 4:24.
Lesson 20: Heaven.
What is Heaven?
1.   Heaven is the dwelling place of God. Job 22:12; Deut. 26:15
2.   Heaven is the throne room of God. Ps. 103:19, Is. 66:1.
3.   Heaven is the place of God’s full glory. Dan. 7:9,10.
Nature of Heaven: heaven is a place far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. 1Cor.2:9; 13:12. It is a place of holiness, full glory, and without end.
Some scriptural revelations of Heaven:
1.   A place of great glory. Mark 13:43
2.   A place of continual worship. Rev. 19:1-6; Rev. 5:11-12.
3.   A place that will never end. 2 Pet. 1:11; 1
4.   A place untainted by evil, rev. 21:27
-        No night. Rev. 22:5
-        No cause. Rev. 22:3
-        No cry, sorrow. Rev. 21:4
-        No death. Rev. 21:4
5.   Heaven is a place of the full manifestation of God, what God is like. Heaven is a place of holiness, full of glory and without end.
Our connection with heaven: believers, now live life in special relationship with Heaven.
1.   We belong there. Heb.. 12:22,23; Ph. 3:20. Our citizenship.
2.   We are enthroned there. Eph. 2:6
3.   We have our source of life there. Eph. 1:3.
4.   We have our name recorded there. Lk.. 10:20; Heb.. 12:23.
5.   We have been sent by God who lives in Heaven. We are heaven’s ambassadors. John 17:16; 18. 2Cor. 5:20.
6.    We have our eyes fixed there 2 Cor. 4:17, 18. Heb.. 11:9-16.
7.   We have eternal treasure in Heaven. 1 Pet. 1:3,4.
8.   Heaven is our final destination. Ph. 3:13, 4; Jn. 14:12.
Lesson 21: The second coming:
A promise of the return: The second coming of the Lord Jesus to the earth is one of the most important subjects for Christians. It was referred to more than 300 times in the New Testament.
1.   Jesus spoke about His Own Return. Matt.24:30; John 14:23.
2.   Angels foretold it. Acts 1:10,11.
3.   The early Christians encouraged one another with it. 1Thess. 4:16-18, Rev. 1:7
4.   The Holy Spirit bears witness of it. 2 Cor. 5:5; James 5:7,8. Heb.. 10:37.
Nature of His Return:
1.   Unexpectedly. 1 Thess. 5:1-3; 4-11.
2.   Like the lightning. Matt. 24:27; Lk.. 17:24
3.   The same way that He left. Acts 1:10,11.
4.   With great power. Lk.. 21:27
5.   In view of all. Rev. 1:7
Dramatic events that will occur at the second coming:
1.   The mystery of the age will be completed. Rev. 10:6,7; Rom. 16:25-26
2.   God’s people will enter their full glory
3.   The dead in Christ will be raised to life 2Cor. 4:14; John 6:40; 11:25
4.   Those believers still alive will be caught up to meet Him. Matt. 24:31
5.   Creation will be set free from its bondage. Rom. 8:19-21,22. Isa. 35:1-7
6.   Every enemy will be destroyed. 1 Cor. 15:24,25; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2-8.
7.   Satan will be bound. Rev. 20:1-,3; 7-10
8.   Judgment will be meted out. 2 Thess. 1:6-9.
9.   A kingdom will be set up that will never be destroyed. Jn.2:44; Rev. 19:15-16
Lesson 22: Call of God:
God has a wonderful plan for the life of every individual believer in Christ. Not only does his call involve a wonderful purpose for us through eternity, but we also have an expression of that calling on earth. 2 Tim. 1:9; Rom. 8:17, 28-30.
A.   We are called of God:
1.   From the foundation of the world. Eph. 1:4,5; 2:10, Matt. 25:34.
2.   To be separated unto him. 1 Pet. 2:9; Rom. 9:23-26
3.   To fulfill His purpose. 2 Tim. 1,8,9. Rom 8:28; Ph. 3:14.
B.   Our calling on Earth:
1.   The general calling – A servant of Christ. 1 Cor. 7:22,23. 1Cor. 16.
2.   Every believer by the virtue of Jesus Christ becomes a bond man to serve him.
3.   The special calling – separated to be an Apostle. Just as Paul had a special calling in his life, so does every believer. Paul was called to be an Apostle, but there are many different callings in the body of Christ. Rom. 12:3-8; Eph. 4:7-16. God’s special calling is revealed to us as we earnestly seek his will.
4.   The particular calling – separated to the Gospel within each special calling there is a particular calling. For example, Peter and Paul were both Apostles, but one to the gentiles, and the other to the Jews. Rom. 11:13. We move into our special and particular calling only as we prove ourselves as love-slaves. For we must first love the authority of Christ before he can send us. Matt. 28:18,19.
Why does he call us?
1.   Because the world is in darkness. 1 Jn. 5:19; Eph. 6:12
2.   Because people are hungry and are in need. Matt. 8:36
3.   To prove His Wisdom. Eph. 3:10,11.
4.   Time is short. John 4:35.
What happens when he calls us?
1.   We are made by him. Matt. 4:19. Jer. 18:1-10.
2.   We are taught by Him. John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:12; 1 Jn. 2:27.
3.   We are sent by Him. John 17:18; Mark 16:15.
You must make a total commitment to this plan of God for our lives and follow him all the way.
Lesson 23:  Regeneration (Born of God):
Intro: regeneration that a person receives a new Holy nature from God. We need this new nature to be part of God’s Holy Kingdom.
Synonymous terms with regeneration:
1.   Being Born of God:
i.     Opposed to earthly life. John 1:12,13
iii.          Those born of God do not continue to Sin.
iv.          Those born of God are characterized by love.
v.           Believe Jesus as the Christ.
2.   Born again: John 3:3-7.
3.   Born of Water and Spirit. John 3:5.
4.   Born of the Spirit as opposed to the flesh. John 3:5
5.   New creation. 2 Cor. 5:17
a.   Created to be like God. Eph. 4:24.
b.   New thinking producing righteousness and holiness. Eph. 4:22-24.
6.   Washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. 1 Pet. 1:23; Titus 3:5.
How can a person be born again?
a.   Believe the gospel. John3:14-16.
b.   You were dead in sin and alive in Christ. Eph. 2:1-7; Rom. 6:11.
c.   It is not by works. Eph. 2:8,9.
d.   It is a work of the Spirit. John 3:4.
Human being’s part of being born again:
1.   Believe the gospel. Jn.3:14-16.
2.   Separate from sin. 1 Jn. 3:9, Rom. 6:12,13.
3.   Renew our mind. Rom.12:2.
a.   We should not allow the world to shape our thought and actions.
b.   We should know and obey God.
4.   We must put off the old man, which is corrupted by sin. Eph. 4:22.
a.   Put on the new nature. Eph. 4:24
b.   Made new in our thought. Eph. 4:23.
c.   Purity ourselves by obeying the truth.
d.   Love one another fervently. 1 Pet. 1:22.
Evidence of being born again:
ü Freedom from sin. 1 Jn.3:8-9.
ü Producing good works. Eph. 2:10.
ü Producing the fruit of the spirit. Gal. 5:22-25 as opposed to the deeds of the flesh.
ü Is accomplished by the spirit not by fleshly act. Jn. 3:6.
ü Basic requirement.
ü Death of the flesh (sinful nature). Eph. 2:1-10.
The New birth or regeneration is a basic necessity into the kingdom. It is an experience that generates a lifestyle. Christianity without experience is nothing but a hollow religion. John 3:3.
Lesson 24: Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Introduction: the baptism unto the Holy Spirit involves both the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ the Baptizer. It is preceded by a life of total surrender and absolute commitment to the Lord without which you cannot be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
It is supernatural Empowerment for supernatural service. Acts 24:49, Acts 1:8, and Acts 2:1- 4.
Anyone who has been born again and sanctified can be baptized into the Holy Spirit, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1- 4, 17 – 18, Acts 2:38 – 39.
(a)Power over sin Gal 5:16.
(b)        Power for service. Acts 1:8
(c)  Power to deal with the forces of evil. Mark 16:17 – 18.
(d)        It produces a dramatic change of life. Acts 9:1 – 2, Acts 21:8, 11-13.
(e) It is a command from God. Eph 5:18.
1.   Speaking in tongues: Acts 2:1 – 4, 16-21; 10:44-48, 19:1-7.
2.   Prophecy Joel: 2:28-32.
3.   Praising God: Act 10:44-48.
4.   Power Availability: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8.
5.   Boldness to preach: Acts 2:1-4, 16-21.
6.   Fruit of the Spirit: Gal. 5:22.
7.   Willingness to die for Christ: Acts 1:8.
8.   Ability to minister in the Supernatural. Isa 61:1, 1cor. 12

1.   The 120 disciples of Jesus Christ at Pentecost. Acts 2:1-4. (Acts 4:31).
2.   Timothy: 1 Tim. 1:6.
3.   John the Baptist Lk.. 1:15.
4.   Our Lord Jesus Christ: Lk.. 4:1.
5.   Elisabeth: Lk. 1:41.
6.   Peter: Acts 4:8.
7.   Stephen: Acts 7:55.
8.   Paul: Acts 13:9.

1.          The Seven Elders.
2.          Othniel: Judges 3:10.
3.          Samson: Judges 14:6.
4.          David: 1 Sam 16:13.
5.          Ezekiel: Eze. 2:1-2.


 For effective Christian love and service, Baptism in the Holy Spirit is sine qua non. Every believer should continually seek for this experience.

Lesson 25


The doctrine of hell is the doctrine of the eternal destination of the wicked. While many people deny the existence of an everlasting hell, the bible was very clear.
            The reality of hell: What is hell?
Hell is eternal banishment from the presence of God. 2 Thess. 1:9. It is the place of torment and everlasting punishment. Lk. 16:23 Rev 20:15, Isa. 33:19.
                               Nature of Hell
a.   Place of punishment
b.   Place of torment
c.   Place of eternal fire: Matt. 13:42, 50.
d.   Place of worms: Mark 9:44-46, 48.
e.   Disconnection from God: Lk. 16:27.
f.    No mercy: Lk. 16:24-27.

Hell was originally prepared for the devil and his wicked angels. It is never originally prepared for human beings but by insisting on rejection of God, by rejecting Jesus Christ, human beings have made the conscious choice of following the devil into hell: Matt. 25:4.

One gets to hell by rejecting Jesus as your sLord and personal avior.
                     Future Glory and Christian Rewards
The bible speaks of monetary or light affliction that is the lot of believers in the present world. But, we are made to understand that the moment we cross to the other side of eternity, our moment of affliction will be exchanged for an exceeding and eternal weight of Glory.

                     FUTURE GLORY OF BELIEVERS:

1.   To be with Christ: Jn. 14:3.
2.   To behold his face: Ps. 17:15, 2 Cor. 4:6, Rev. 22:4.
3.   To behold the Glory of Christ: Jn. 17:24.
4.   To be glorified with Christ: Rom. 8:17, 18.
5.   To reign with Christ: 2 Tim. 2:12; Matt 25:20, 23, Lk. 19:12-19.
6.   To inherit all things: Rev. 21:7; Acts 26:18.
7.   To shine as stars Dan. 12:3.

                     CROWNS TO BE WON BY BELIEVERS:

1.   Crown for runners. 1 Cor. 9:24-25, Heb.. 12:1.
2.   Crown for soul winners. 1 Cor.2:19.
3.   Crown for righteousness. 2 Tim 4:8.
4.   Crown of life for the faith. James 1:12, Rev. 2:10.
5.   Crown of glory for shepherds and church leaders. 1Pet 5:4
6.   Crown of gold for all the redeemers. Rev. 4:4.
Conclusion: God has reserved many rewards for us as believers but to receive these rewards, we must be faithful.
Visible Church consist of those whose names are on the Local Church rolls, all earthly denominations and sects, good, bad and indifferent is part of the visible church.
The invisible church is made up of those whose names are written in the lamb’s book of life. Rev. 21:27. This can be referred to as the true Church.
The Church:
The Church is from the Greek word “Eklessia” meaning, “called out ones”. It is made up of those who have had their sins forgiven because of the blood of Jesus shed at the cross of Calvary.
The local Church:
The local Church is made up of believers who gather in a particular locality to honour God. Matt. 18:20.
Universal Church: all believers in Christ as Lord and Saviour irrespective of their denominations or Local are a part of the universal Church. Matt. 16:18. Members of the universal Church flow from the Local Assembly where one belongs. Biblical emphasis of the Church is on the Local Assembly where each member can be nurtured and function as part of the Church is executed at the Local Church setting. Rev. 2:3; Rom. 16:1-5; Acts 2:42; Heb.. 10:25.
Foundation of the Church:
-        Christ is the head of the Church. Eph. 1:20-22; Matt. 16:18.
-        And it is founded on the rock which is Christ the son of the living God. Matt.16:16-18. 1 Cor. 3:10.
-        Jesus Christ is not only the foundation; He is the Chief corner stone of the Church. Eph. 2:20.
Everything in the Church revolves around him. i.e His person, His life, His work, His death and resurrection.
The apostles and Prophets are the foundational and foundation laying ministries. Eph. 2:20.
The commissioning of the Church:
The Church was officially commissioned on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit of promise was released upon the 120 believers gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem. Acts 2:1-4.
Nomenclature of individual believers in the bible:
-        Believers. Acts 4:32; 5:14.
-        Saints. Acts 9:13; 1 Cor. 1:2; Rev. 13:7.
-        Brethren. Acts 12:17; Rom. 1:13; Matt. 23:8-10
-        Christians. Acts 11:26 26:28.
-        Elect. Mk. 13:27; Rom. 8:33
Description of the Church:
ü God’s workmanship. Eph. 2:10.
ü Created to do good works. Eph. 2:10.
ü Created to be Holy. Eph. 4:24.
ü Citizens of God’s Kingdom. Eph. 2:19.
ü Separated unto God. 2 Cor. 6:16-17
ü Members of the household of God. Eph. 2:19; 1 Tit. 3:15.
ü Children of God. Eph. 1:5; 3:14-15; 5:8
ü Temple of God. Eph. 2:20-22.
ü Indwelt by the spirit of God. Eph. 2:22; 1 Cor. 3:16
ü To be a holy priesthood. 1 Pet. 2:5.
ü Bride of Christ. Eph. 5:25-32.
a.   Loved by Christ. Eph. 5:25
b.   Gave himself for it. Eph. 5:25.
c.   Cleanse the Church. Eph. 5:26.
d.   Will be united with Christ. Eph. 5:31-32.
e.   Christ is the bridegroom of the Church. John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2.
f.    Wedding supper of the lamb. Rev. 19:9
g.   A great mystery. Eph. 5:24-32.
ü Body of Christ. Eph 1:22, 4:15, 1 Cor 12:27; Col 1:24.
a. Jesus lives in us. Gal 2:20.
b. Christ as the Head. Eph 1:22, 4:15, Col 1:18, 2:19.
c. Interconnected. Eph 4:11-16; 1 Cor 12:26, Gal 6:2.
         7. Temple of the Holy Spirit. Eph 2:20-22; 1 Cor 3:16-17.
a.   Members are living stones. 1 Pet 2:5.
b.   Jesus is the corner stone. 1 Pet 2:6; Eph 2:20.
c.   Apostles and prophets are the foundation. Eph 2:20.
8.   Family. Eph. 2:19.
a.   All I have one father. Isaiah 63:16; 9:6, Hosea 11:1; Rom 8:15, John 1:12; Gal 4:5.
b.   All are brethren; Matt 12:30; 1 Timothy 5:2, James 2:15.
9.    Flock. Isa 40:11; Eze 34; Zech 9:16; John 10; Lk. 12:32; Act 20:29.
a.   Jesus is the Chief Shepherd. John 10; Matt 18:10-14.
b.   We are his Sheep. Ps 100; Isa 40:11, Lk. 12:32; John 10.
c.   False Shepherds are hirelings. John 10:13.
d.   False brethren are wolves. Matt 7:25; Act 20:29.
e.   Satan is the chief wolf. Lk. 10:3; John 10:12.
                               MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHURCH:
1.   Repentance from sin. Act 2:38.
2.    Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Saviour and Lord. Matt 16:16-18.
3.    Water Baptism. Acts 2:38; Matt 28:19; Acts 10:47; 48; Acts 22:16.
4.    Continuance in the apostolic teachings and doctrine. Acts 2:42.


1.   Baptism Matt 28:19-20; Matt 16:16. Acts 2:38-41; Acts 8:36-40; Acts 10:4.
2.   The Lord’s Supper. Acts 2:42-46; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 11:20-34.
                 The Purpose of the church
1.   To minister to God by worshiping and glorifying him on earth. Eph 1:4-6.
The Mission of the church
I.           God’s commission to his people – Adam, Noah – Be fruitful and multiply, Abraham: Through whom all the nations shall be blessed. Gen 12:1-3, 18:18.
a.   Repeated to Isaac. Gen 26:4.
b.   Repeated to Jacob. Gen 28:14.
c.   Repeated to David. 1 Chr 16:15-24.
d.   Revealed to korah. Ps 47.
e.   Revealed to Isaiah. Isa 49:12; Isa 11:9-12.
Moses to raise a kingdom of priests. Ex 19:6.
Jesus: The great commission.
Spoken Matt 25, Mk 16, Lk. 24.
Paul to preach the gospel to the gentiles.
Peter the gospel to all people. Acts 10:9-48; 11:15-18, 1 pet 2:9.
Many heathen in the Old Testament believed in Jehovah to its people.
a)   Melduzedek: Gen 14:18-20.
b)  Jethro: Ex 18:9-12.
c)   Nebuchadnezzar: Dan 4:34-37.
d)  Ruth: Ruth 1:16-17.
e)   Rehab: Josh 6:25, Heb. 11:31.
f)    Ninevites- Jonah.
g)  Woman of Zarephath. 1 Kg 19:8.
h)  Neman, 2 Kg 5:15
i)    Job-Job.
j)    God’s people who testifies to him before nations.
k)   Joseph-Egyptians.
l)    Naomi-Moabites.
m)  Moses-Midiahites.
n)   Solomon-Arabians.
o)  Elisha-Syrians.
p)  David-philistines.
q)  Elijah-phoenians.
r)    Daniel-Babylonians.
s)   Jonah-Assyrians.
t)    People or all nations will be in the kingdom.
u)  God’s Spirit will be upon all flesh. Joel 2:28.
v)   Many nations will desire the blessings of God. Isa 2:2; 3, 3; 55:5, 6. Isa 60:3; Zech 8:23.
w)  John’s great vision of all nations in the kingdom. Rev 5:9; 10:7-9; 10.
The Four women in Jesus genealogy are gentiles. Matt 1, Tamar- Canaanites, Rehab- Canaanites, Ruth- Moabites, BathsHeb.a-Hittite. Prophecies Concerning Jesus Zachariah’s prophecy. Lk. 1:72-79.
a)   Simeon’s blessings Lk. 2:29-32.
b)  Angel’s announcement Lk. 2:10, 14.
c)   John’s testimonies Lk. 2:10, 14.
d)  King’s of east come to worship him. Matt 2:1-12.
e)   Begins ministry among gentiles. Matt 4:15-23.
f)    Told disciples to love their enemies. Matt 5:44.
g)  Includes all nations in his kingdom. Matt 8:11.
h)  Prepares disciples to testify to the gentiles. Matt 10:18.
i)    Ministry to the gentiles prophesied, Matt 12:18-21.
j)    Kingdom taken from Israel and given to gentiles. Matt 21:42-43.
k)   Kingdoms to be preached to all people before the end will come. Matt 24:14.
l)    Disciples to be made from all nations.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Power to testify. Act 1:8, 4:7-10.
a)          Jerusalem- Locally.
b)          Judea- Regionally.
c)          Samaria- across cultural, racial barriers.
d)          To the uttermost parts of the earth- All people.
e)          The outpouring on Pentecost gift of tongues enable 72 nations to   hear the truth, peter has new power and boldness to testify. Act 2:14-40. The apostle begin to perform signs and wonders. Act 2:43. The church experienced tremendous growth. Act 2:41; 4:4, 6.
f)           Yet the Apostles were still unwilling to testify to all nations.
g)          For 20 years did not take the gospel outside or Jerusalem, God scattered them through persecution. Acts 8:1-4.
h)          Philip preached to foreigners. Acts 8:4-17.
i)            God confronted the unwillingness of peter 10.
j)           Peter was strongly opposed by the Jewish brethren. Acts 11:1-18.
k)          It was only in Acts 15, that the church leaders finally embrace mission. Acts 15.
l)            The church in Antioch was the first to send mission. Acts 13:1-4; Acts 13-28.
        The Gospel or the goodness is that Jesus has come, died on the cross for our sins to mend our broken relationship with God.
         Jesus is the Saviour who came to save us from the penalty of sin (death) and the power of sin (bad habits and other bondage through faith in him and the victory he won on his death, burial and resurrection, We are reconciled to god. 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Heb. 2:14,15, Rom 3 :21- 26.
                                           The Necessity of the Gospel:

1)  The fall of man; Gen 3, Gen 4, Rom 3:23.
2)  Sin in the world.

              CONTENT OF THE GOSPEL:
·       Promised in the Old Testament: Gen 3:15-16; Rom 1:2, 2 peter 1:18-21, Isa 29:18, 41:27, 52:7, 61:1-3.
·       Jesus Christ is the fulfillment. Rom 1:3-4.
·       We were freed from wrath through him. 2 Cor. 5:19.
·       Concerns Jesus Christ: Rom. 1:1-4.
·       Born of a virgin. Isa 7:14.
·       Truly flesh from king David’s life. Rom. 1:8-4, 2 Tim 2:8.
·       Truly the Son of God. Rom 1:4.
·       Lived a complete sinless life. Heb. 4:15.
·       Crucified on the Roman Cross. Acts 2:23.
·       Died for our sins. 1 Cor. 15:3.
·       His blood satisfied the demand of God. Act 20:28, Rom 5:9-14, Heb.. 9:14-15.
He was buried. 1 Cor 15:4.
Resurrected from the dead. Rom. 1:3-4, 1 Cor. 15:4, Acts 2:24.  Appeared to many. 1 Cor. 15:5-8.
 Ascended into heaven glorified. Acts 1:9-11, 1 pet 1:21.
Will come again as Judge. 2 Thess. 1:7-8, Acts 7:9-11.
-        It’s the power of God to save. Rom. 1:16;  1 Cor. 1:18; 15:1-2.
-        Source of grace. Acts 14:13; 20:32.
-        Acceptance of the Gospel.
-        Repentance. Mk. 1:15.
-        Faith. Mk. 1:15; Heb. 4:2.
-        Brings peace. Eph. 6:15
-        Brings Hope. Col. 1:23; 1 Pet. 1:3.
-        It’s absolute and exclusive. Gal.1:8,9
The Gospel in Romans:
A.   Preconditions;
-        Was promised in the Old Testament.
-        Because of Adam, we all inherited death. Rom. 5:12-14.
-        All are under the wrath of God, both gentiles and Jews. Rom. 1:18-32; Rom. 2:1-29.
-        Jews and gentiles alike are under sin. Rom. 3:9.
-        All need to be saved because all have sinned.
-        Purpose of the law was to point out sin.
-        Gospel of power of God for salvation. Rom. 1:16.

-        Cancers Jesus Christ, son of God. Rom. 1:3-4.
-        Truly flesh from king David’s line; 1:3-4
-        Truly the son of God (divine). Rom. 1:3-4.
-        Resurrected from the dead. Rom. 1:3-4.
-        Jesus Christ is our Lord. Rom. 1:3-4.
-        Important element is faith (believing). Rom. 1:5-8.
-        All are called to believe him. Rom. 1:5-6.
-        A righteousness from God by faith. Rom. 1:17.
-        A righteousness apart from the law. Rom. 3:21.
-        Righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus. Rom. 3:22
-        Redemption is by God’s grace. Rom. 3:24
-        We must anchor faith in His blood. Rom. 3:25
-        All by faith not by law. Rom. 3:27-31.
-        God will save us because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Rom. 5:9-11.
-        Faith brings peace with God. Rom. 5:1-2.
-        It all depends on God’s mercy not our efforts. Rom. 9:16.
-        Salvation is by grace not by works. Rom. 11:5-6.
-        God’s love; while we are yet sinners, Christ died for us. Rom. 5:18.
-        Our justification came by Christ Jesus. Rom. 3:24.
-        Christ died for us while we were powerless. Rom. 5:6.
-        Christ rose from the dead. Rom. 14:9.
-        We must confess that Christ is Lord. Rom. 10:9.
-        We must believe God resurrected Him. Rom. 10:9.
-        We are to be baptized. Rom. 6:3-14.
-        God gives the Holy Spirit to us. Rom. 5:5.
-        We are to turn away from sin. Rom. 6:1-23.
-        Life in the Spirit and adoption. Rom. 8:1-17.
-        Prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus. Rom. 13:8-14.
-        We will all be judged by God. Rom. 14:10.
-        Judgment will be according to the Gospel. Rom. 2:16.
-        Future glorification. Rom. 8:18-39.
-        Likely to suffer for our faith. Rom. 5:3.
-        Suffering works character in us. Rom. 5:3-4.
-        Jews or gentiles all shall be saved.
-        Israel will be saved when the fullness of the gentile have been saved. Rom. 11:25.
-        God’s intention is that all Nation believe. Rom. 16:28
Church has safeguards against false teachings:
-        Church ministry to protect believers. Eph. 4:11-16.
-        Fellowship of believers. Heb. 10:23-25.
-        Word of God (Bible) is truth. John 17:17.
-        God’s word is exalted even above his name. Ps. 138:2.
-        Transgressors do not keep the word.
-        Holy Spirit Guides us. Isa. 30:21. Prov. 3:5-6. John 10:4; 16:12-13; 2 Pet. 3:17.
God’s judgment on false teachers:
-        Condemnation to those who teach falsely. Gal. 1:8, 8.
False teachers:
-        Promise liberty but brings bondage. 2 Pet. 2:19; Gal. 2:4.
-        Falsehood does not satisfy. Isa. 32-6.
-        Teach damnable heresies. 2 Pet. 1:21-22.
-        And people love it. Jer. 3:31.
-        Have false visions and prophesies. Jer. 14:14-15; Jer. 23:25-32.
-        Have false dreams. Jer. 23:32; Zech. 10:2
-        Pretends to be Christians (Sheep). Matt. 7:15; Gal. 2:4; 2 Pet. 2:1-31.
-        Watch people live not only words. Matt. 7:16-20.
-        Can perform great miracle and signs. Matt. 24:24; Mk. 13:22.
Types of false Gospel:
-        Another Jesus
-        Another Spirit
-        Another Gospel
-        Some teach Christ less Gospel. 2 Pet. 2:1.
-        Fables and genealogies 1. Tim. 1:3-7. Heb.. 13:9.
-        Human philosophy. Col. 2:8; Matt. 15:9. Mk. 7:7.
-        Material Science. Col. 2:8.
-        Some teach harsh treatment of the body. Col. 2:16-17.
-        Not eating some foods. Col. 2:16-17; 20-22.
Need for personal development:

By Lungisiva Nyatyowa.
1.   Forces you out of your Comfort zone.
2.   It develops your strength.
3.   It boosts your confidence.
4.   It improves yourself awareness
We despise the Cherub:
1.   When we engage in gratifying flesh appetite of man and hold members. 1 Cor. 11:22.
2.   Unholy attitude in partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

Basic 200:          

Fundamental of Christian Leadership:

201: Waiting upon the Lord:

Many who are called by God into leadership position are hindered by a feeling of inadequacies. They believe they are too weak to be strong leaders. This short course is designed to enable us over our weaknesses, and inadequacies to enable us fulfill our potentials in Christian leadership.

God uses the Weak:

-        God’s choice of leaders is not based on how clever, talented, or educated he may be. 1 Cor. 1:19; 1 Cor. 1:25-28.
-        God reveals this wisdom through our weaknesses, our faltering our shortcoming. Through our helplessness God displays His power. His strength is made manifest through our weakness.
-        God’s original plan is to use the weak. Thug of the tarsh to confounded.
The wise: Ps. 8:2.
-        Example of people God uses.
-        Moses – A fugitive and stammer.
-        Gideon – fearful and weakling
-        Jephtah – Son of a Harlot.
-        David. The last son of Jesus.
Turning strength into weakness: Isa. 40:29:

God is the source of our strength to do whatever task he has assigned us to do Ps.  Ph. 4:13
-        We cannot do anything independently on our own.
-        To generate power in the mist of weakness.
1.  Depend more on God:
To gain strength and overcome your perceived weakness we must develop a prayerful department relationship with God;
God strength is made perfect in our weakness the personal weakness which makes us aware of our lack of ability or power to lead should cause us to turn our heart to God in prayer and fasting
It is in the place of prayer and fasting that dis love strength will strengthen our Isa 40: 29
The attitude of dependence upon God attracts his attention and draws him to us and causes him to gloriously manifest his power through us.
Our in adequacies are seen as blessing in disguise when the press us to depend in Christ
2.  Confess the word
Inferiority complex is a camel pre –occupation with our selves. It can result in a view of us which says: ‘I am no god; I am just a useless wash pot.  God cannot use me.
To overcome this low self esteem, our attitude of confession of the word of God is important.
By affirming what the scripture says about us, we are made over comers. Ph. 4:13; Lk. 10:19and inferiority complex with the scriptural meek uess that it is not the same
3.   Draw near in prayer.
The kind of weakness to where God responds is that which produces a sense of dependence on him.
-        When we pray, God works on our behalf. We become like David who prayed …… My soul longs for thee, oh God” (Ps. 63:1, 84:2)
-        This sense of need contributes to the development of a healthy devotional and prayerful life.
-        Self Consciousness is a barrier that will prevent God’s power from flowing through us.
We must renounce carnality and recognize that God is the strength of our lines, and we need not be afraid. Ps 27:1. He will should himself strong on behalf of those who reverence, worship and depend on him. Exchange your strength for his strength.                                              The bible says, ‘Even youth shall faint and be weary young men shall utterly fail; but they that wait upon the lord shall 4renew their strength. Isa 40:30, 31’.                                                                             The key word in this verse is renew. As we wait upon the Lord, He will take away our strength and replace it with his own.
It is not a matter of combining our strength with His, but a complete removal of our strength and put on His. When we depend on our strength God cannot use us.
ü What to do to exchange your strength for His.
Acknowledge your need. Ps 34:6, Ps 73:22.
Both David and Asaph receive God’s Strength because they were willing to humbly acknowledge their need and weakness.
God’s promise to satisfy the desire of seeker who are hungry for more of his strength. Isa 41:17, 20.
Paul also discovers that if he acknowledges area of weakness in his life it will result in the strength of God coming to him in more powerful measure. 1 Cor 12:7, 8, 9, 10.
This is the principle or the gospel works, when we are weak and sense our great need of God, this makes us completely dependent on Him.
1)  LEARN TO WAIT ON GOD Psalm 41:31
Two concepts of waiting.
a)   Waiting for God time – That is take no major action until God show’s you it’s time to act. Eccl. 3:1-10.
b)  Waiting in prayer and fasting to spend time in prayer in God’s presence in devotional exercise, sometimes involving fasting and prayer.
ü Waiting for the time of God.
ü We should not be in a hurry to launch out into the ministry of leadership responsibilities in the body or Christ. Having a calling is not equal to a sending to execute the assignment
ü The apostles were called to preach the gospel but were asked to learn to wait in Jerusalem. Lk.. 24:49.
ü We must realize that God does not work with our time but with his own time.
ü God’s calling and sending are not the same.
ü Paul was called in Acts chapter 9 but had to wait until chapter thirteen to be fully sent by God. Acts 9:1-6, Acts 13:1-3.
Why we need to wait.
a)   Because of our immaturity.
b)  Because we are going to face the strongest for ie on Earth and need to confront them with divine energy and strength. Zech 4:6-7.
God needs to train us and prepare us for the work. Mark 3:13-14.
We gain experience through the years of waiting.
God controls the time.
It was in the fullness of time that God sent his son to die for mankind. Gal 4:4.
We need want because he has time for all things.
So we need to wait for Him until he reveals his time to us.
      3. Waiting in Prayer and Fasting
          If we are to exchange our limited strength for His unlimited power, we must establish consistent daily devotional habit. Disciplining oneself into a regular prayer (and fasting) is one of the most difficult things for most church leaders to do.
                          Power of Daily Devotional Time
It is in the place or daily devotions that we empty ourselves of human strength and abilities and have put on divine strength and power.
It is only when the grace of God has replaced our human weakness and fructifies that we will be ready to live of life of exploit.
                 How to Conduct Your Daily Devotional Time

1)  Confession of sins. 1 Jn. 1:9:10.
2)  Spend time to praise God. Ps 100.
3)  Surrender the day to God.
4)  Pray for Family, Church and all Believers.
5)  Pray for Leaders, Missionaries and Evangelism.
6)  Pray in other tongues. 1 Cor. 14:13, 14.
7)  Write down what the lord gives you and do it.

                 Hearing the Voice of God

It is possible to hear the voice of God because God is still speaking, even today through the Holy Spirit just as he did in the Bible times.
Many churches leaders believe and teach that God only speaks to us how by what is written in the bible and nothing more.
Many will die to defend what god has said in past centuries but refuse him that presently speaks from heaven. Heb 12:25.
God wants us to develop a listening ear so we can hear him speak. Rev 2:7, 3, 23.
                    The Need to Hear
The bible told us that man does not live alone by bread but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.
“Proceeded” Speaks of a present continuing function. It speaks of something that happened in the past, is happening in the present, and will happen in the future.
God is continually speaking to his people and has not gone dumb.
God speaking does not mean that the bible is still being written and we need to add to it. No, the bible is a complete book that needs not to be added onto.
The bible teaches that God wants a people whom he will dwell in and walk. People who are living epistles known are read of all men. 2 Cor. 6:16, 2 Cor. 3:2, 3.
We can only live the life God desires for us by hearing His voice and receiving words that continually come out of his mouth.

1.  We Need to Hear the Word of God to Know His Will.

One of the question we face as church leaders is the question of what God wants us to do and where does my responsibilities end and God’s begin?
God holds his servants responsible to know his will, and to take action to do the will of God. Zach 4:6, Lk. 12:49.
God wants church leaders who know and do their lord’s will. The will of God establishes the limit of responsibility. If we do not know his will, we will be judgeless harshly, though we will still be judged. To do the will of God we must know his will, to know the will of God, you must hear his voice.
To know the will of God you must develop a sensitive and a willingness to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
You must develop a listening ear for God to speak to you.

               Hindrances to Hearing

1.   Hearts not perfect before God.
God searches the heart he deals with us according to the    condition and contents of our hearts. He is interested in a heart that is perfected towards Him. 2 Chr. 16:1.
The heart is according to the bible is the seat of:
1.   Emotion or affliction.
2.   Motives.
3.   Intentions of the person. God is concerned with these things.
a)   Worldly affection: if our affections are set on things on earth rather than things in heaven. God is offended. 1 Jn 2:15. The bible tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, strength (Matt 22:37).
b)  Impure motives: If our motives (or motivations) are impure like the prophet Ballam (Num 23) then God will severely Judge us. Ballam bartered God miraculous gifts for money fame and prestige.
c)   Wrong intentions: Ananias and Saphirra (Acts 5) were pretending to give all their money to the work of the lord, but were really keeping back much of it for themselves. Because their intentions were wrong, God killed. We need to guide our affections motives and intension to make sure they are pure. Pro 4:23, God knows all we have in our hearts. 1 Sam 16:7. We can hide these thing from men but from the lord. An imperfect heart before the lord will seriously hinder us from hearing his voice. Hardness of hearth. The scripture says, “Today, if you want to hear his voice, do not harden your heart”. (Heb 4:1).
Unforgiveness stops God’s voice. When we fail to forgive someone who has offended or wronged us, that failure to forgive causes a hardness of the heart that blocks us from the voice of God, and can lead us into many health problems.
Forgiveness brings a return of God’s voice
2 Chron. 7:14, A hard heart, a callous heart, an unbelieving and other unhealthy heart condition can prevent us from hearing God’s word/voice.
An unregenerated heart until a person experience the new birth in Christ, it will be very difficult to hear the voice of God (John 3:3-6 1 Cor 2). It does not matter how long one has been in faith or the title or position one occupies, the new birth experience is imperative for hearing the voice of God. Rom 8:16, 1 John 5:16.
a)   Saving faith intellectual agreement. We must distinguish between saving faith and intellectual agreement with the historical facts recorded about Christ in the bible. Intellectual agreement does not save a man but can make you a good religious or Christianized person. James 2:19.
b)  You can know you are saved. The bible says that God’s spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are children of God. 1 John.
When Jesus comes into your heart he cleanses it and sweeps it from sin and darkness, and takes away the hard heart and gives you a soft and tender heart of flesh so that you can hear the voice of God. Ezekiel 36:25-27.
      4) Disobedience stops God’s voice. When a leader is in a habit of disobeying the voice of God, it will be difficult for God to continually speak to the person. To hear God’s voice doesn’t mean just to hear with your ears. It means to respond obediently what he said. Roms 10:17.
Pride prevents obedience. A proud person is always what people will say or what will be the result of his response to the voice of God. We are often afraid of what people will think about us that we are held back from doing the word of God. Pro 29:25. In obeying the voice of God we should we should not be careful about what people will say or think about us for those inconsequential. Fear of man is the root of disobedience to his voice.
We cannot be sure of the truth of the word of God until we have proved it. 1 Thess 5:21. The only way you can prove something is to try it. You may fail in the cause of trying but then, risk is one of the elements of faith. Do not let fear paralyze you. Try to do what you feel God wants you to do, though you may have some failure – there will be some success too. You have to take the risk; step out in faith and attempt great things for God.
         b) Pre-conception hinders obedience. The biblical story of Elisha and Naaman serves as an illustration on our pre-conception can hinder obedience. Naaman had an incurable disease of leprosy. His maid told him a prophet in Israel called Elisha who had power from God to heal. When Naaman arrived at Elisha’s modest home, the prophet sent out his servant to tell General Naaman what God said he must do vs. 10. Naaman was angry and decided to walk away; he was thinking that the man would have the courtesy to come out and out and see him. He thought he would have laid hands on him and call upon the name of the lord and heal him so, before he came to Elisha he already had a pre-conception on how God will heal him. 2 Kgs. 5.
It was only the intervention of one of his servants that prevailed on him to do the instruction of the man of God, by discarding his pre-conception. 2Kgs. 5.
Pre-conception is rooted in pride. “I know everything; I can conceive things before they happen (a Deitic quality) and when things fail to happen the way we conceive the will. It undermines our deitic (pride-filled image of ourselves, and like Naaman, we tend to walk away angry and resentful.
1.   God’s pattern for your life.
Our theology (pre-conception about God) often comes into conflict with the spirits in our life and when it does we are faced with the great danger of missing the will of God.
We should be fixated with the pattern of God that is revealed to other ministers of God, but to the pattern revealed to ‘us’ Heb 8:5. God pattern for your life is to do what he has asked you to do as he has asked you to do it. We should not just do things because it is the way it has been done but because it is the way he asks us to do it. John 5:19.
There are two Greek words translated as words in the English Bibles “LOGOS” and Rhema Logos often refers to the written or unscripted “word”
Example of the use of logos and Rhema is matt 4:4; where logos is used for the word (written) and Rhema for “word”.
1.   A Rhema from God. A Rhema is usually a communication from God designed and empowered to apply to a specific situation.
When we are reading the bible and a certain verse suddenly strike us with power, we are receiving a Rhema (living word) for our personal need.
When we are praying from God’s wisdom or God’s answer for an insoluble problem, and suddenly God’s speaks the solution into our ear practical terms which solve the problem that is Rhema.
When we are in the most of some mission related activity and we have a sudden impression to take some specific action, which results in great blessing that is Rhema
Caution: we should not assume every urge, impression or feeling is a Rhema. No Rhema will ever be, contrary to the scripture (logos), Gods eternal word.
Rhema produce faith. So then faith comes by hearth, and hearing the word of god. (Rom. 10: 17)
When god speaks to you comes alive in you if you will obediently respond to what God said, miracles will take place for you just like they did in the bible acts 3: 1-2 Ezekiel 37: 1 – 10

Relationship not formula:

God’s life giving word seldom comes in response to religious forms and formula Jesus did not employ one formula in performing his miracles. He healed one blind man by mixing dust, and spittle, forming mud, and applying it to the blind man’s eye. The blind man was sent to the pool of Siloam to wash the mud out of his eye and was healed. John 9.
God did not establish a pattern or formula for the opening of the eyes of the blind through these miracles. It can only work for you if you hear from God.
So, it is not about forms and formula, it is about hearing from God and taking obedient action in response to what God said (Matt 9:29; Mark 10:52). A proper relationship with his heavenly father was the secret of Jesus ministry john 8:29. Because the state of Jesus heart was always right with God, he will easily hear and obey his father’s voice.
                        Spending Time with God

To hear the voice of God, we need to spend time with him. Although Jesus was an authority in the word of God John 2, the secret of his ministry was his sensitivity to the voice of God John 5:19.
In other to hear the word of God, Jesus often times separate himself unto God in prayer. His ministry began with forty days of prayer and fasting (matt 4:1-11) even after that we see him spending some rights in prayer, and sometimes he will withdraw himself from the multitude and going into the desert to pray.
Sensitivity to the voice of God is produce out of a deep devotional life. The more time we spend with him the more of his voice we hear. We need to develop a strong relationship with God through the times we spend with him in prayer and fasting.
Emphasis should be placed on God’s word and spirit academic qualification, which only tends to pride.
We should pursue the voice of God, excellence in the exercise of the gift of the spirit theological degree. We must recognize that God’s priority is the preaching of the Gospel to all creatures and nations Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15.
We must obey the biblical instruction of spreading the gospel, how men are brought back to the lord Mark 16:20, Rom. 1:16, Rom. 15:20, 1 Cor. 1:23-24.
God does not only guide us by the Rhema but by the written word.
How to be guided by the written word
Familiarity with the word – We get familiar with the word.
a)   Constant reading of the word.
b)  Studying of the word.
c)   Memorizing the word.
d)  Believing the word.
e)   Obeying specific instructions of the word.
f)    Constant application of the word to specific situation.
                              Patience Endurance
           Life is in phases, each phase of a man’s life is characterized by its own peculiar experience. Some may be tough and some easy. One of the hall marks of a true believer is that ability to stand when others has fallen. The grace of standing in the face of obstacle and trial is what distinguish true believers from pretenders.
The scripture wants us to expend every scriptures effort to stand in the face of adversity Eph 6:13-14, pro.
To be standing when everyone else has fallen requires patience endurance.                                        
  It is only those who through in their faith patiently endure hardships and deprivation that wins divine approval and recommendation Heb 11:35-38.
                            Tests and Trials
One of the ways through which God prepares us for great responsibilities in his kingdom is by permitting trials and tests to come our ways.
                               Sources of Trials and Tests
a)   God tries the righteous Ps 11:5.
b)  The devil is also sometimes involved in our tests and trials.
c)   We can also face trials and tests through our own misdeeds – David example in the case of Besheba, God permitted Jobs sufferings.
From the scriptural account of the sufferings of Job, we learnt that God permitted the devil to tests Job 1. And never for one day blame the devil but God for his woes Job 19:21, 13:15, he refuse to acknowledge Satan for his troubles, even when it was obvious that Satan was the one behind his problems. While it is true that the devil can buffet a child of God for a reason, we should rest on the confidence assurance of his not been able to touch us unless it is permitted by God.
                         Why God Tests and Tries Us
1)  Pressure produces Enlargement Ps.4:1; God can us                       chastisement and sufferings to make us better Christians and leaders.
2)  Trial proves and humble us Deut 8:15; God allow us sometimes to go through sufferings to do us good at the end. God wants to discover whether we love him or whether we serve him for all the blessings he gives.
3)  Trials help to mature the believer James.

                            Victorious Christian Life

          The goal of the Christian life is to be like Christ in all things. Christ live a holy life, a life of victory of sin and the world. In this lesson we are going explore ways through which we can live a victorious Christian life.
Possibility of a Life of Victory in Christ
The scripture teaches that a child of God can experientially live a life of victory over the sin, Satan and the world. 1 Jn. 5:4, 1 Jn. 4:4, Rom. 8:37-39, John7:31, 38, John 16:10, Rom 6:14, 2 Cor. 2:14, 1 Cor. 10:13.
Principles of Victorious Christians Life
The victorious life is a supernatural life lived by faith. It is a lifestyle which is only possible by faith in the person or our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.









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